In a recent interview, Telegram founder Pavel Durov expressed interest in web3-based auctions for custom usernames. This would allow users to buy and sell names that are associated with their public keys, similar to how domains are bought and sold today.
Durov said that he thinks this could be a “pretty interesting” way to monetize the popular messaging app, which has over 200 million monthly active users. He added that he is “definitely looking into” the idea but cautioned that it is still in the early stages of exploration.
While it is not clear how such an auction system would work in practice, it could potentially open up a new revenue stream for Telegram. It could also lead to some interesting new ways for users to personalize their experience on the platform.
At the same time, it is worth noting that Telegram has no plans to introduce advertising into its app. Durov said that he believes ads would “compromise user experience” and that they are not necessary to generate revenue.
Telegram is considering a new way to generate revenue: selling “featured chats” to businesses and other organizations.
The idea was first floated by Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov in a recent interview with TechCrunch. He said that the company is “definitely looking into” the idea but cautioned that it is still in the early stages of exploration.
While it is not clear how such an auction system would work in practice, it could potentially open up a new revenue stream for Telegram. It could also lead to some interesting new ways for users to personalize their experience on the platform.
At the same time, it is worth noting that Telegram has been fairly resistant to the idea of introducing advertising into its service. This new move could potentially change that, though it remains to be seen how users would react to the introduction of featured chats.
In any case, it is clear that Telegram is open to new ideas when it comes to generating revenue. With over 200 million active users, the platform has a lot of potential for growth. And if it can find new ways to monetize its user base, it could become an even more valuable tool for businesses and other organizations.
On March 27th, Telegram announced a new premium feature called ‘Channels.’ For a monthly subscription fee, users will be able to create channels with an unlimited number of subscribers. These channels can be used for broadcasting messages to large audiences.
This is a significant development for Telegram, which has until now been focused on providing a free, ad-supported service. The introduction of paid features could help the company generate revenue and become more sustainable in the long term.
The announcement of ‘Channels’ comes at a time when Telegram is facing increased competition from other messaging apps. WhatsApp, for example, now has over 1 billion active users. And while Telegram has grown rapidly in recent years, it still has a long way to go before it can match WhatsApp’s user base.
The introduction of paid features could also help Telegram to differentiate itself from other messaging apps and attract new users. Paid features could make the app more appealing to businesses and power users who are willing to pay for additional features.
Telegram’s announcement of ‘Channels’ is a response to the increased competition from other messaging apps. The introduction of paid features could help Telegram to attract new users and generate revenue. In the long term, this could help Telegram to become a more sustainable business.
Q: What is Telegram?
A: Telegram is a messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption and self-destructing messages.
Q: What are ‘Channels’?
A: Channels are a new feature that allows users to broadcast messages to an unlimited number of subscribers.
Q: Why is Telegram introducing paid features?
A: Telegram is introducing paid features in order to generate revenue and become a more sustainable business.
Q: How will the paid features work?
A: Users will be able to subscribe to channels and pay for certain content, such as e-books or courses.